Born and raised in the Rockford area I graduated from Harlem High School in 1998. After spending a few years fixing and repairing computers
and their networks I decided to go back to college to get a bachelors in Computer Science. During my first semester at Rock Valley College I hooked up with the local
InterVarsity chapter. At various times I served as a small group leader, did basic chapter administrative work, organized large
group meetings, and started something called Atom Groups. Then, after earning my associates degree at RVC, I transferred to NIU to complete
my Computer Science degree. I also served as a small group leader at NIU for InterVarsity for one year and helped with some
administrative stuff for a semester. Now, I volunteer at many different InterVarsity retreats in my spare time. After college I worked at FleetSoft for almost three and a half years as a developer
and now I work for
Experity as a lead software engineer
I've recently switched hosts and have not yet converted my full site over. I hope to have a completely revamped site up shortly.